Thursday, July 10, 2008

Black Belt


Directed by Shinuchi Nagasaki

"Black Belt" is one of those all too rare films that is completely predictable, (I called the finale about ten minutes into it) poorly scripted, melodramatic, poorly edited and obviously slothfully edited and yet is completelyh satisfying when the credits roll. Why is this? Because it is totally honest about what it is, namely a martial arts flick, and it delivers exactly what it says it will--martial arts!

"Black Belt" tells the tale of three karateka, Taikan, Choei, and Giryu, who see their beloved sensei die (of heartbreak, I assume) after his dojo is taken over by the corrupt commander of the local branch of the Imperial Army who wants to turn the region's dojo's into whorehouses which sounds like something the City Council of Baltimore would do. Taikan and Choei eventually split paths with Giryu who, after a particularly B-Rate fight scene, is presumed dead. He isn't, though, and while Giryu is willed back to health by a kind farmer and his young son and hot daughter, Taikan and Choei's services are enlisted by the Imperial Army. Although Choei is none too thrilled about his new line of work, Taikan relishes his new position and soon begins to help the ruthless commander/pimp take over the area's dojos. The whole thing culiminates in the clash of good and evil, right and wrong, blah, blah, blah.

Trying to find any depth in "Black Belt" would, I truly feel, pervert the mission of the film which is to be a sweet karate flick. The only value in this movie can be found in it's fight scenes which are, for the most part, awesome. Since the audience is only there (or at least SHOULD only be there) for the combat promised by the film's title, there is no reason not to be totally satisfied with "Black Belt" and feel that you were fed exactly what you were told you would be eating.

"Black Belt" is awesome for the exact same reasons that "Rocky" I, II, IV, and VI ruled so hard.

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